Tuesday, May 1, 2012


     I have quite a few friends who have already posted about the news of this new game, but I am bored and I thought, what the hell! Why not, haha.
Pirate101 apparently is a pirate (no duh) version of Wizard101, but its a lot cooler than that, because you use your same account and everything. Its rather difficult to explain.
There are about six classes; Swashbucklers (super fast and graceful swordsmen), Buccaneers (Super strong warriors who fight with their strength), Musketeers ( They use guns and such), Privateers (Practically Captains, really.), and my personal favorite, the Witchdoctor- a fugging awesome voodoo enchantress/sorcerer.
     Yeah, haha. It's still magic, so its not far away from Wizard101 schools, but I just love magic and I thought it was pretty cool. My second choice would probably be Swashbuckler because of the graceful swordsmenship, but... Witchdoctor is mine!
     So, yeah, check it out. What I find quite ironic in the whole Pirate101 thing is that the second book or sequel of The Power Game series will be very involved with pirates~ what a convenience, haha. 
If you're interested in Pirate101, here is the link to the site: https://www.pirate101.com/free_game
If you have an account on Wizard101, then you can join with that account and all of your crowns and such will work just the same for Pirate101- even though the game isn't out yet, but you can join the site. There's some Beta-raffle thing going on as well, which is pretty cool. Unfortunately, there has been no announcement of when the Live Game will be released. When the announcement does occur, I will probably edit it into the post itself.  
     Well, on other news, I've been working hard on the next chapter. I will probably post it tomorrow or on Thursday, it just depends, because I babysit and I've been trying to catch up with my Wizard101 stuff. (If you haven't heard, Avalon is coming and I need to get to level 70!). Oh, and don't get me started on Grand Fantasia. I'm friggin' level 31 or something.
     And... I suppose this is the end of my random post. Bye, luv's!

'Till next time,
-Bloody Mary <3