Thursday, October 13, 2011

Something I wish I could play


THIS VIDEO is PERFECT for the sound of prank calls... Its hilarious.
I looked up "Weird sounds" on youtube, and this is what i got. I prank called my friend, and she freaked out xD Try it!
Here is the video:
Idk who this guy is, but he makes the weirdest sounds X_X

Met one of my favorite authors today

Today was EPIC. Thats all I can say. I was so excited :D
So.... 4 great authors came to my school today :)
And one of them was one of my favorite authors of all time (Alison Noel- Author of the Evermore and Riley Bloom series).
AND GUESS WHAT??????????
I got to meet her personally, and get 2 books from her. Also, she signed both of them w/ a comment :D Then, she gave me 4 bookmarks. She even told me about herself, and I got to ask questions... It was so cool   :D
I got to do all this b/c I was the first one to meet her... Mebbe because I literally ran towards her XD

So, since I was the first person to meet her, this other author (Who was really sweet and funny, and also lives in Colorado *jealousy*) had given me a signature as well. So now, I have 2 famous author's signatures :)

So yes, that was the highlight of my day. I also got to play with dry ice in science, and watch a baby boy fall out a 24 story high window in a movie in french... Good times :) Plus, I got 2 chocolate chip cookies and 3 oreos in Advisory, along with hanging out with 3 of my friends, listening to Nickelback.
AND it was sunny outside :D

I am quite happy :D I'll be online later (w101), in quite a cheerful mood. OH, speaking of excitement and cheerfulness... My best friend (Wolf Deathbringer) is making a fantastical Halloween party :D So everybody who knows him or knows me or just reads my blog: drop your crap and go to his fricken party, cuz' its gonna be FREAKING EPIC-LEE AWESOME!!!!!!
I might just dance on the tables ;)
TGIF!! (I have no school tomorrow, so this is my friday)
Au revoir! :)
-Bloody Mary