Friday, September 30, 2011

Blogging at somebody elses home!!!

Kk, 1st of all... Abbys keyboard is soooooo weird o_o makes it hard to type...
Fortunately, this computer haz w101!!! I'll be on later... Prob on Abby, then Mary.
So-- this is my newz-- My epic friend Nikki stopped posting her story becuz she couldnt get any ideas!! So sad... However, a lot of my friends have been writing stories as well, so make sure to read them, cuz they are super awesome as well.
0_0 Abby's dad has a bottle of chew stuff crap next to the computer, and its seriously grossing meh out. Its all brown and sick :P
I'll be posting later and tomorrow, so check in later!
Well, i gtg b/c this dang computer keyboard is pissing me off XD bye

No chapters for the weekend D:

Unfortunately for you guys and fortunately for me, i'm going to Abby's dad's house!!! Yay!!! I luv sleepovers :D
Anyways, i'm not going to be able to post or write any chapters on saturday and most of sunday... So i'm sorry!
I hope you guys have fun! :D I'll be on w101 a little...
Bye o: