Monday, October 3, 2011

I cant believe.... Ugh...

Soooo I just remembered that I gave one friend my blog adress thingy to read my story. They read ONLY the prologue, and talked to me the next day.
Guess what she said?
The opposite of what everybody has been saying about my story 0_0
She told me that she didnt understand the story, and couldnt follow it (*Ahem...* Prologue??) And that I probably had a million grammer problems.
I'm quite sure I know how to write without grammer problems /: I'm not stupid.
So, yeah, my story was a "failure" to her b/c she didnt read past the prologue. Oh well.
Ugh... I smell nasty old ketchup and dirt somewhere... *gag*. I dont even have ketchup in my house... D:
ANYWAYS, on better topics, I've finally gotten past the super hard part of my story, and into the kind of hard part!! :D! Yayzz...
Oh, and I also have no homework :3 That works too, as good newz.

I have heard about signs for houses; of course, I dont need a sign for my house because I'm so famous *wink*, and everybody knows where my manor is ;) I'm just wondering if later you can write what you want on the signs... Like: WELCOME, FOOL! GET YOUR LAZY BUTT IN MY FUZZERNICKLING HOUSE!!!
Well, thats what I would do. I scream that at my cat, why not at people? :)
Well, its like midnight, so i'm gonna go sleep. I love you all, and will (Maybe) post tomorrow!!!
Au revoir!!
Thank you for reading!!

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