Merry Christmas everybody!! I hope everybody is having a nice, warm, fun, (And delicious) Christmas! I'm grateful for my family, friends, food, and shelter-- and giving hope to those who need it. I love you all.
I was to do a Christmas special, but then I realized that my story is in June at the moment, so I have to wait until later... *Head laptop* So, anyways, look forward to that! :D
I haven't got much to say... I got a new quill and ink and journal, so you know what I've been doing *Wink, wink*-- Yep, writing! And no, I do not usually write with a quill and ink, if you ask xD I write with pens. Anyhoo, I'm all Harry Potter-fied and I also like old fashioned objects and things... So yeah :)
I hope everybody got to spend time with their family today or last night, and have a merry, merry, merry Christmas to all!
Love, Bloody Mary <3